My aged care - government portal - information about and access to the full range of aged care services.
Community Services
Wollongong Disability Services Directory - meals on wheels, home modifications, transport, day care, support groups, dementia services
SCG Community Care Programmes provision of support to carers through information, respite support and referral to ongoing services 4295 5532
Taxi Vouchers - The Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme (TTSS) provides subsidised travel, allowing approved participants to travel by taxi at half fare, up to a maximum subsidy of $30 per trip.
Preventing Falls - falls have enormous social, health and economic costs for both older people and the whole community. Half of falls occur in and around the home. A few simple steps can make your home safer.
Mental Health
Dementia and Alzheimers
SANE - growing old, staying well - a guide, plus general resources
ACAT - the Australian Government subsidises many different types of aged care services to help you stay at home.
apply for assessment of eligibility for ACAT services - 1800 200 422
It's your life a resource for Australian seniors and their families, where you can find information, facts and reviews about retirement villages, home care service providers and aged care homes Australia-wide.
Respite care care may be for a few hours or days or for longer periods, depending on your needs, the needs of the person who cares for you, your eligibility and what services are available in your area. It can happen in your home or at facilities such as an overnight respite cottage, a day centre or residential care facility.
Have you been afraid, or been upset by someone, or prevented from getting things you needed, or prevented from being with people you wanted to be with, or forced to sign papers or use your money against your will? The NSW elderabuse helpline are a confidential HELPLINE offering information, advice and referrals for people who experience, witness or suspect the abuse of older people living in their homes in NSW.