Immunisation and Vaccine preventable diseases
Infectious Diseases
Medical clearance/certificate - if your employer is requesting a medical certificate for a respiratory illness at this time of the covid19 pandemic, please supply them with this letter
Respiratory Infections - including whooping cough (pertussis), avian flu, Legionnaire's, glandular fever (infectious mononucleosis)
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs)
Better to know - Got an STI or recently had one? Want to tell your recent sex partners but not sure how to go about it?
Illawarra Shoalhaven Sexual Health Service - advice and treatment
Illawarra Women's Health Centre - sexual health information and treatment
Illawarra & Shoalhaven Sexual Health & Blood Borne Infections Directory
Sexually transmitted infections (STD) - information on prevention and treatment
Reach Out - youth service, sexual health information