Anxiety, panic, depression, self harm, shyness, anger, obsessions and compulsions, stress, phobias, bereavement, addiction, sexual assault, eating disorders, brain injury
How can I keep calm during self isolation?
10 psychological tips for staying well during coronavirus
Black Dog, Beyond Blue and This Way Up linked below also have coronavirus resources
Beyond Blue - trusted mental health and wellbeing information, online programs, helplines and news
LiFE Living is for Everyone - Suicide Prevention
Mindspot - telephone and online service, assessment and treatment
Black Dog Institute online resources covering all aspects of depression and anxiety including how you can supported loved ones affected
moodjuice - information and self help for those experiencing troublesome thoughts, feeling and actions, and their carers
Smiling Minds daily meditation and mindfulness app
moodGYM - online training programme to help you identify and overcome problem emotions and show you how to develop good coping skills for the future so that you can enjoy good mental health
This Way Up self paced online courses produced by St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney. Ask your GP for a referral to get free access
the psych collective free actionable resources from a local team
NSW health links - resources and services
SANE mental health charity, offering innovative programs and campaigns - helpline and information on mental health topics
Find a health professional:
Local services:
Mental Health Line 1800 100 511
Lifeline - crisis support and suicide prevention 13 11 14
see below for more specific resources on topics including anxiety and depression, brain injury, children, chronic pain, eating disorders, fatigue, sleep disorders, schizophrenia, stress, work issues and support
Digital Mental Health Resources for Young People
Reach Out - online youth mental health serviceheadspace - national youth mental health foundation, helping young people, 12-25 years, going through a tough time
moodjuice - information and self help for those experiencing troublesome thoughts, feeling and actions, and their carers
SANE - mental health charity, offering innovative programs and campaigns - helpline and information on mental health topics
COPMI - promoting the wellbeing of children of parents with a mental health disorder
Alcohol and Drugs
search under the Alcohol and Drugs page
Anxiety and Depression
beyond blue - anxiety and depression - supporting recovery, management and resilience, information and resources for individuals, schools and universities, workplaces, and aged care
Black Dog Institute - diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disease
Brain Injury
Illawarra Brain Injury Service - out-patient, community based rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury
Headway - support and advocacy services specifically designed to improve lifestyle outcomes for people living with an acquired brain injury
Brain Injury Association of NSW - support and advocacy for people affected by brain injury
search under the Mental Health section of the Family Children and Adolescent page
Chronic Pain
Our perception of pain is complex and subjective, made up of not only the nature of the original injury or underlying condition, but also the circumstances out of which the pain arose, our previous experiences of pain, current circumstances, stress, emotions, other medical conditions, and genetics etc. Finding good treatment can take time. The best outcomes rarely come from one medication or intervention, but rather from a combination of approaches including physical therapy, heat, relaxation, thinking strategies, medications, diet etc. The pain may never resolve, but it is absolutely possible to live well with chronic pain. Find health professionals who are willing to work through this journey with you.
Pain Management Network - gain a better understanding of your pain and develop skills and knowledge in the self management of your pain in partnership with your healthcare providers
Eating Disorders
Information and support for anorexia, body image, binge eating, bulimia, eating disorders and males, disturbed eating habits
The National Eating Disorders Collaboration (NEDC) brings research, expertise and evidence from leaders in the field together in one place. It's a one stop portal to make eating disorders information a lot more accessible for everyone.
The Butterfly Foundation support for Australians with eating disorders
search under health prevention for more information, or see below for information regarding sleep difficulties
Schizophrenia fellowship - directory of services and resources
Sleep Difficulties
Sleep disorders - insomnia, snoring and sleep apnoea, restless legs
Sleep hygeine - good habits for improving sleep, also
Preventing fatigue - see health prevention page
moodGYM - online training: identifying triggers, assertiveness and interpersonal skills training, understanding self esteem, coping skills and managing stress
Recovery Services - services and support for people with mental illness returning to work
Heads Up better mental health in the workplace