Antenatal Care
Antenatal care in the Illawarra can be provided through the public system or through a private obstetrician. The public system offers care through your GP, the midwifery group practice or the hospital midwives or doctors clinics, with delivery at Wollongong Hospital. Or private antenatal care can be provided through a private obstetrician with delivery at Wollongong Private Hospital.
Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital has 3 birthing options - GP shared care, hospital doctors clinic and private obstetrician.
Pregnancy care: Wollongong Hospital
Pregnancy care: Shoalhaven
Planning a pregnancy - what you should know before starting a family
Early pregnancy loss - links to services and support
Having a Baby NSW Health booklet
Maternity leave and work - parental, adoption and special maternity leave
Mothersafe - a free telephone service for the women of NSW, based at the Royal Hospital for Women, Randwick, providing a comprehensive counselling service for women and their healthcare providers concerned about exposures during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
MotherToBaby Fact Sheets - frequently asked questions regarding exposures during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy
Pregnancy and Diet - NSW Health brochure, and the Food Standards Agency leaflet
Pregnancy and gestational diabetes
Pregnancy and the flu vaccine, plus general info regarding vaccines in pregnancy
Pregnancy tests - routine blood tests, ultrasound scans, and prenatal screening tests, if you are high risk you may also be offered the new NIPT testing (non invasive prenatal testing)
Smoking - Quit now, and Quit for Two
see Family Children and Adolescents page for more information